Sunday, November 20, 2011


1. Berikan 10 jenis port dan berikan penjelasannya:
a. Port Serial
Biasa digunakan untuk melakukan tranmisi data yang beroreintasi pada pengiriman sebuah bit per waktu, kareana sifatnya demikian pegiriman data berjalan agak lambat, biasanya digunakan untuk mengoneksi piranti seperti : printer, mouse, modem, PLC (programmable Logic controller), pembaca kartu maknetik dan pembaca barcode. Port ini sering dinyatakan dengan nama COM. Konektor yang digunakan adalah RS-232C dengan 9 pin atau 25 pin
b. Port Parallel
Port Parallel atau sering disebut port LPT bekerja atas dasar 8 bit perwaktu, cocok untuk pengiriman data dengan cepat, tetapi dengan kabel yang pendek (tidak lebih dari 15 kaki). Umumnya digunakan untuk printer parallel, hard disk eksternal dan zip drive. Konektor yang digunakan adalah DB-25 yang terdiri dari 25 pin
c. Port USB
Port USB merupakan port yang akhir-akhir ini sangat populer digunakan, yang dapat digunakan untuk menghubungkan berbagai piranti seperti camera digital, printer, scanner, zip drive dan sebagainya, port ini mempunyai kecepatan tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan port serial maupun port paralel
d. Port SCSI
Port SCSI adalah Small Compter System Interface yang merupakan jenis port yang memungkinkan koneksi antar piranti dalam bentuk sambung menyambung. Port mempunyai kecepatan tinggi, dengan kecepatan tranfernya 32 bit per waktu, biasa digunakan untuk menghubunkan hard drive, scanner, printer dan tape drive, konektor yang digunakan adalah DB-25 dan 50 pin Centronics SCSI.
e. Port Infra Merah
Port ini digunakan untuk mendukung hubungan tanpa kabel, misalnya untuk menghubungkan mouse yang menggunakan infra merah sebagai media tranmisi, mengirim data dari ponsel, dan sebagainya
f. Port-Port Lain
Banyak port lain yang tidak tergolong pada port-port diatas, misalnya port untuk monitor, port keyboard, port mouse, port speaker, port jaringan, port dll.
Dan berikut yang termasuk dalam Port Non Fisik :

g. Port 80, Web Server
Port ini biasanya digunakan untuk web server, jadi ketika user mengetikan alamat IP atau hostname di web broeser maka web browser akan melihat IP tsb pada port 80,

h. Port 81, Web Server Alternatif
ketika port 80 diblok maka port 81 akan digunakan sebagai port altenatif hosting website

i. Port 21, FTP Server
Ketika seseorang mengakses FTP server, maka ftp client secara default akan melakukan koneksi melalui port 21 dengan ftp server

2. Berikan 2 jenis serangan dan cara penanggulangannya :
Teardrop attack adalah suatu serangan bertipe Denial of Service (DoS) erhadap suatu server/komputer yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan.
Teardrop attack ini memanfaatkan fitur yang ada di TCP/IP yaitu packet fragmentation atau pemecahan paket, dan kelemahan yang ada di TCP/IP pada waktu paket-paket yang terfragmentasi tersebut disatukan kembali. Jenis serangan ini. dikembangkan dengan cara mengeksplotasi proses disassembly-reassembly paket data. Dalam jaringan Internet, seringkali data harus di potong kecil-kecil untuk menjamin reliabilitas & proses multiple akses jaringan. Potongan paket data ini, kadang harus dipotong ulang menjadi lebih kecil lagi pada saat di salurkan melalui saluran Wide Area Network (WAN) agar pada saat melalui saluran WAN yang tidak reliable proses pengiriman data menjadi lebih reliable.
Akibat dari serangan :
Pada waktu server yang tidak terproteksi menerima paket-paket Seringkali, overlapping ini enimbulkan system yang crash, hang & reboot di ujung sebelah sana.
Penanggulangan :
Server bisa diproteksi dari tipe serangan teardrop ini dengan paket filtering melalui firewall yang sudah dikonfigurasi untuk memantau dan memblokir paketpaket yang berbahaya seperti ini.

Denial of Service (DoS) attack

DOS Attack yaitu pengiriman permintaan secara berulang-ulang pada suatu server sehingga server menjadi hang ataupun tidak dapat melayani permintaan dari yang lainnya…
serangan ini yang paling sering terjadi belakangan” ini
Akibat dari serangan :
◦Menghabiskan bandwith, network flooding
◦Memungkinkan untuk spoofed originating address
◦Tools: ping broadcast, smurf, synk4, macof,
◦various flood utilities


◦Sukar jika kita sudah diserang
◦Filter padarouter untukpacket yang keluar, filter attack.

3. Lakukan Proses Enkripsi :
• Pliant text : MACHDI HARIS
• Algoritma : Autokey
• Key : STIKOM
• Chipertext : EUKRRU TATPV
Marixnya :

4. Lakukan Proses Dekripsi :
• Chipertext : KXTKAML WIDOZY
• Algoritma : Vigenere
• Key : STIKOM
• Plaintext : SELAMAT DATANG
Matrixnya :

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

High-Speed Internet Access For Remote

by: News Canada

(NC)—We are in the information age dominated by an on-demand knowledge society. Canada is one of the most connected countries in the world and the Internet has become so central to our lives that many people can't do their work or stay in touch without it.

In short, today's world demands high-speed Internet access.

And the demand for speed is growing as the Internet becomes an essential part of modern life and new bandwidth-hungry services, applications and devices are rolled out.

But what if you're among the more than 7.5 million Canadians in rural and remote communities who don't have cable or DSL high-speed broadband access? Typically, these areas of the country have been underserved by the simple fact that the economics of a land-based system will never justify mass deployment.

Fortunately, there is a solution for many of these remote residents – a high-speed satellite Internet service offered by Bell ExpressVu's DirecPC. Essentially, the system uses the same Bell ExpressVu satellite dish as the Bell ExpressVu TV service, but works independently from the satellite receiver to deliver data to your computer.

How fast is satellite Internet? DirecPC features download speeds of up to 400 kbps - that's up to seven times faster than a traditional 56k modem.

In every day terms, that means users can download a 4MB audio file in 60-70 seconds compared with over 19 minutes using a 56K modem. Or download a 1MB video file in a little over 16 seconds compared with almost 5 minutes using a 56K modem.

It's a broadband Internet access service that is always on and is available to anyone, anywhere in Canada with a phone line and a local Internet Service Provider.

Increasingly, high-speed Internet is becoming a must-have service. According to Canada's National Broadband Task Force, the vast majority of Canadians are going to require high-speed Internet access to use new online services from governments and businesses that are increasingly placing information and products on secure Web sites. All aspects of our society are being altered by the availability of the Internet to the point that e-business and e-learning are seen by many as crucial to the development of our economy.

Without high-speed access, the benefits of these new services are generally restricted to Canadians living in the largest urban areas of the country. DirecPC satellite, however, levels the playing field for those living in remote or rural areas.

DirecPC is available from Bell ExpressVu dealers throughout Canada or by contacting Bell ExpressVu at 1-888-DirecPC (347-3272) or For more information, please visit

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why You Need To Clean Your Windows Registry?

by: Matt Garrett
Registry is the database where data of programs and windows is stored. Registry cleaner is software, used to run your computer faster and smoother. Registry cleaning is very important for a smooth running of your computer system. Whenever you delete a file form your system, the registry does not remove this data. Thus, a reference to the deleted file remains in the registry. Gradually as the registry gets filled up with these databases, the computer gets slower and slower in its functioning. If the registry is not cleaned up regularly, severe damage can be caused to your computer.

A registry cleaner scans the windows and finds out the outdated and incorrect information stored in your computer’s registry. The software fixes this improper information enabling your system to be error free and run faster. The software is enabled with advanced features that make your computer run smoothly and efficiently. Registry cleaning makes your computer run very quickly and also safely.

There are many advantages for registry cleaning. Your computer will have a cleaned up registry and no information in the registry will be cluttered. You can regain the lost disk space and use this for installing new software. Registry cleaning will also block the installation of spyware and adware in your computer. If your computer was having any application errors, you can see that this has been fixed after you clean up your registry. Your system will be maintained as it was in its initial stages and you can also understand your computer much better.

If you do not clean up your computer’s registry timely, you can face different types of problem while using the computer. When you are in the midst of doing important work related activity, your computer can suddenly crash or the system can get stalled all of sudden. This can have damaging impact on your work. Timely cleaning up and fixing of the registry will prevent you from facing such crisis.

There are different kinds of registry cleaner available. You can use the best registry cleaner available in the market to maintain the registry of your computer. Keeping your PC clean is very important if you want it to run efficiently all the time. The registry cleaner software will help you in repairing some applications that are not working in your computer.

The software uses speed detection techniques to very quickly identify the missing and invalid reference from your windows registry. After identifying the problems, the software with the use of its advanced technology can easily clean your registry. After this your computer will start functioning, like a new PC. After installing the software you can customize its different options according to the requirements of your computer.

Many online sites provide registry cleaner software for its customers. Before you buy a registry cleaner, make sure that you are aware about its different features. This will help you in customizing the features of the software according to the needs of your computer.

Buy the best registry cleaner that is available for your computer.

About the author:
Matt Garrett,

Software Backup For Everyone

Backing up your data with almost any electrical device is crucial to keep things intact. No computer or other electronic device is crash proof, problems can occur at any time. All computers can crash at any given time, which normally results in the loss of all data that was stored on the hard drive.

The potential for less is the ideal reason to create a backup of your software and data. How often or how much you need to backup things however, all depends on how you use your computer. If your data is very important or if you use your computer for work, you may need to create a backup of your software on a daily basis, possibly even hourly for some people.

You can use various devices and equipment to backup your data, such as DVD and CD burners, tapes, external hard drives, servers on the Internet, and so on and so forth. Although each one has pros and cons, you should always use more than one backup method if your data is extremely important to you, just to be on the safe side.

When it comes to backing up your data using software, there are five different methods you can use:
1. Full backup - A full backup will create a mirror of your hard drive, every file and folder that you currently have on your computer.
2. Differential backup - A differential backup creates the backup only for files that have been changed or upgraded.
3. Disk image - This will give you the choice of backing up your entire hard drive or just the files that you select.
4. Unattended backup - Using this method, you can set the software that will create the backup to do all of the work, even if you aren’t around.
5. Snapshot backup - A snapshot backup will mirror your hard drive, backing up the images of your files.

When you decide to get a software program to assist you with backing up your files, you should always get a program that best fits your needs. Price is also an important factor, although ease of use and overall reliability should always be the most important factors when it comes to your data.

Most programs are easy to use, so even if you have never backed up your data before, you’ll be able to do it without any problems. All you’ll need to do is load the software then follow the instructions that come up on the screen.

All in all, software backup is the best way to keep your data preserved and ready. Something can happen to your computer at any given time, which is why you should always be on the safe side and back up your data every chance you get.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Guide basic terminology Computer

Ram? Mouse? One is an animal and one is a rodent right? Ram...that is the zodiac sign for Aries... If this is what these words mean to you than you can surely use this quick glossary of computer terminology. It would be a good idea to read through them before purchasing a computer because these are things you should know about first. If you already have a computer then these computer terms can help you know what to do if your new computer equipment is unfamiliar. Also, this computer terminology can help you if you have to call in for technical help.

Okay lets go!

Cache: Cache is another type of memory kindred to RAM. The computer uses cache to quickly move data between the RAM and the CPU.

CD-ROM Drive: Most new computers now come with a CD-ROM drive as standard equipment. A CD-ROM drive reads data from a disc. These CDs look like a music CD, but hold data instead of music. CD-ROMs also contain games, dictionaries, recipe files, and lots of other things that you can load onto your computer.

CPU: The CPU, or central processing unit, is the brains of the computer. Most new Windows based programs use a Pentium processor or a AMD Athlon XP. New Macs use a different type of CPU called Power PC.

Disk Drive:Virtually all computers come with a disk drive that can read and save information on portable diskettes, also called floppy disks. You can use floppy disks to save information or to load new software onto your computer.

Hard Drive: The hard drive is also called the hard disk. You'll probably never see it because it is nestled inside your computer. It's the computer's electronic filling cabinet, and it stores the computer's operating system, files, programs and documents.

Keyboard: Just like a typewriter keyboard, this device is the primary way of inputting data into the computer programs.

Megahertz (MHz): This is the clock speed of the microprocessor. The higher the number, the quicker the information is processed. MHz relates to how many millions of instructions can be processed per second.

Memory:This is the circuitry or device that holds information in an electrical or magnetic form. There is read-only memory (ROM), which is information primarily stored on a disk, and random-access memory (RAM), which is chip-based storage inside the computer. Memory is typically measured in megabytes (MBs).

Modem:This mechanism connects a computer to a phone line so information can be sent from one computer to another or the user can access an on-line service or the Internet. In view of the popularity of the Internet, a modem is now considered basic equipment and comes on practically all-new computers. Most modems come with fax capabilities.

Monitor: An output device that allows you to see what you are doing (it is what you are looking into right now to see this). Most computers come with 14 or 15-inch monitors. This size is good for most people's needs. Larger 17 or 21-inch monitors also are available, but may cost more. Myself, I prefer the 17-inch.

Motherboard:The motherboard is the circuit board that everything in the computer plugs into. The CPU, RAM and cache all plug into the motherboard.

Mouse: The mouse is another input device that makes getting around in your computer easier. It is a handheld object that is good for doing tasks such as moving and pointing to objects on the screen, and can replace the function and control keys of the keyboard. (If you need a lesson on how the mouse works and how to use it click here for a tutorial.)

Printer: A printer is an essential part of the computer if you want a hard copy of your work. There are four types of printers on the market: dot matrix, inkjet, bubble jet and laser. The dot matrix is the most basic. Most inkjets and bubble jets can print color and graphics, and a laser printer offers the best resolution at the highest speed.

RAM:Computers save data in two ways: on the hard drive and in random access memory or internal memory. New computer buyers should look for models with at least 16 MBs of RAM (or more, depending on what types of programs you'll be running). Make sure that the computer can be upgraded.

Scanner:A scanner is a useful accessory to have if you are working with lots of artwork or photos. This device can copy written documents, pictures or photographs directly into your computer. There are three types of scanners: handheld, hopper-feed and flatbed.

Sound Card: This device allows your computer to reproduce music, sounds and voices. Make sure you have a sound card if you're planning to play multimedia games.

Video Card: The video card is the part of the computer that sends the images to the monitor.

Well there you have it, a quick course on computer terms. I hope it has helped to guide you in your purchase of a new computer; or to help you with the one you have.

Friday, May 6, 2011

5 Steps to Remove Spyware for Free

Have you ever tried to remove Spyware off your PC only to
find out it never left or it came back? Tired of all those
annoying Popups, Viruses, and Ads on your system day in and
day out? Well, listen closely because the day has come to
remove Spyware programs and Viruses - forever!

I will give you some very useful tricks and tips to remove
Spyware and Viruses for good! Follow closely:

Steps to Remove Spyware, Viruses, and Adware

1. There are many types of software available today that
claim to remove spyware off our system, but which one REALLY
does the job? What you need is software that not only will
remove spyware, but TOTALLY removes it for good and keeps it
off. After searching for the best of the best, here is THE
BEST: Panda Online Scan. Why? It does not constantly run
on your system, slowing it down and using bunches of memory!
In other words, it runs from Panda on the web, then searches
your whole system, will remove spyware and other bugs, then
gives detailed info on the bug and tells you how to keep it
off your system! Here is the address to get started:

It only installs a few plug-ins to run on your system, and
no full installation!

2. Check your system services and systray items! The
biggest mistake people make is never checking what programs
are running in the background or memory of the system. A key
step to remove spyware from your system is knowing this.
Without knowing these things, you probably have bugs running
on your system, and never know it! Why? They like to hide!
Download and install a program called HIJACK THIS. It tells
you exactly what is running and what is not running so you
know exactly what might be hiding behind closed doors! Here
is the address for this:

3. Shutdown the SYSTEM RESTORE! (Windows XP)

Spyware and Viruses attach themselves to your system's
restore files. This is an easy way for them to hide, even
after you reinstall Windows! Right click on 'MY COMPUTER',
then click on 'Properties'. Look for a tab on top called
'System Restore', and click there. Check the box that says
'Turn off system restore on all drives'. Click 'APPLY',
then 'OK'. That's it!

4. Use an Anonymous IP address when surfing the web!

This is a huge step in keeping bugs off your system forever!
Bugs get onto your system and retrieve info about you by
capturing your IP address. Your IP address tells everyone
who you are, where you're located, your system info, what
kind of Windows you use, your browser, etc. An anonymous IP
hides your IP by using an Anonymous address and makes you
invisible to everyone, including Spyware and Ads! Here is an
address to a good proxy list:

Please follow these instructions carefully for Microsoft
Internet Explorer:

a) Scroll down on the page from the above link. On the
list, look at the numbers listed under IP:Port Host name.
Make sure the uptime on the right is at least 97 to 99 %.

b) Go to the Control Panel in Windows.

c) Open up ' Internet Options'.

d) Click on the 'Connections' tab on top.

e) Click on 'LAN Settings'.

f) Put a check-mark where it says PROXY SERVER.

g) In the Address box, copy and paste the IP address listed
on the proxy list (for example: - These are
the numbers shown BEFORE the ':' (semi-colon).

h) Copy and paste the port number into the PORT box (for
example: '80' - the number immediately after the

i) Click OK, and OK again to close, and close everything.

j) Go ahead and open up your browser and try surfing the
internet to test.

Thats it! You are now surfing invisibly!

For the Firefox browser:

a) Open up the browser and go to 'TOOLS' then 'OPTIONS'.

b) Go to 'GENERAL' on the left, then click the 'Connection
Settings' button below.

c) Choose 'Manual' proxy config from the choices.

d) Check the 'use the same proxy' checkbox.

e) In the 'HTTP Proxy' box, copy and paste the anonymous IP,
and the PORT number in the PORT box (remove the zero first).

f) Click OK, then OK again to close.

g) Now test your browser by surfing the web.

You are now invisible.

**note - if your browsing gets super slow or has a problem,
look for another IP and Port number on the list and try
again. Most of the time the proxies from Mexico work best.
Happy surfing! The free proxy list can be found here:

5. Download and install the new FIREFOX browser!

Please get rid of Microsoft Internet Explorer on your
system! It is like a pipe that feeds Spyware, Ads and
Viruses onto your system. There are just too many holes
there letting everything in. Mozilla is a fairly new company
that introduced a new breed of browser that blocks popups,
and tries hard to keep these bugs off your system. It has
very few or even NO holes or pipes to let the bugs in! Many
people use it for this very reason, and it has a great look,
better speed, and lets you change the theme of it! Awesome!
Here is the address:

Well that about sums up how to remove spyware in 5 steps.
Follow them CLOSELY and you will see how great it is to surf
virus free Forever! Guaranteed!

About the author:
For more tips, tricks, and secrets on protecting your PC and making it run faster and without problems, sign up on our mailing list at:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Explanation About Pin Suspend Or Block & Tips How To Repair Pin Suspend

What is a PIN Suspend & Symptoms?
* This means we do not have permission to enter "" or the internet could not
* BB msh could make the internet, but like usual ... got GPRS tariff (though we've bought the package)
How: Setting in "Options - Advanced Options - TCP '... nah live enter APN - username - password based on their service - each
* BB can still make phone and send messages

What Causes Suspend your PIN?
1. BB traded "illegal"
2. BB reported as stolen goods had been reported earlier by the distinguished PNY BB BHW BBx ilang / disappeared
3. Rim of the BB PNY special reason to suspend these pins

Secure is your PIN?
* Insert the SIM card is already on its BB service
* Open the [operator]. from BB / PC or select the icon "Email Settings" in BB
* Select "Create New Account"
* Then enter the PIN and IMEI
* Klu is secure direct entry to the menu, tp klu Suspend "PIN is Suspended"

Another way to check our BlackBerry PIN safe or not, note the time of purchase:

1. match the IMEI and PIN on the back of the sticker near the battery with the imei on the units that we can check when the blackberry is on (press alt + A + H together), if not the same, it can be sure your PIN is generated cloningan ato. if the same, then I proceed to step two.

2. by checking the IMEI with the help of international imei checking the website, namely the International Numbering Plans, © 2001-2010 there we can enter the IMEI listed on our blackberry units, there will show if we put imei officially registered (PIN or IMEI can be sure we are not is generated from hand ² "creative"), with its existing data type handset and so forth.

But klu response from the server like this "Note: Please check the IMEI number. The ENTERED number is invalid. [Err 901] ", then surely if your blackberry using the PIN and IMEI sewaktu2 generate and be prepared if your PIN was suspended.

The characteristic feature of the Blackberry in Cloning

This feature of the Blackberry that he had been in the cloning and active simultaneously,
1. Due to the double PIN, the service will clash.
2. Can use Blackberry Messenger but sometimes errors
3. Push email is also a problem so sometimes not login
4. Browser paralyzed

Unlike Generate PIN PIN Cloning

There is also a Blackberry expert who likes fun to create beautiful and change the PIN number pin their BB with the same software and create or generate the PIN number beautiful.

After generate the PIN, they can use fuel as usual. However, how this toy will not last long because the RIM servers automatically check and will remove the PIN from their non-official and unusable fuel.

how if there are two same PIN?

Two BB that have the same pin would have clashed and one of them can not be used with the current.
As a result PIN suspend ....

So if you buy a Blackberry in cloning mean that the Blackberry has been suspended and pin cloning will not last long and risky in suspend again.

Blackberry is reported missing to the pin and IMEI number will be stamped LOST to the RIM servers that apply to the whole world then the PIN is in suspension and can not be used for the Blackberry service worldwide.

So tips for free from BB PIN and PIN Suspend Cloning is;
1. Buy your Blackberry service warranty from authorized dealer or distributor
2. If you have to buy the former, make sure you buy from stores which guarantee that your BB free cloning
3. Make sure your PIN number and IMEI on your blackberry the same as that printed on the box. The trick, open the blackberry menu, to Options -> status
4. Register your PIN and IMEI Operator by Email Settings

for business + imei blackberry pin yg sdh blocked by the RIM
the only way to repair it for long-lasting pin is used is with how to look for bb the same type which have been damaged / destroyed (not a chance to live again) certainly distinguished her pin imei still ori / official / valid, ... nah we take / use tuh her pin + imei, with a note of the IMEI is valid was used on the type of bb + same type. hrs of course we know the operator where they will be the last pin on the register / used.

I think the logic is certainly not going to happen double pin active
only in this way that I do to handle the suspend pin ... can be said to "clone off Difficult" or "one clone to die" why not, because one of hrs off / lie idle and to obtain a distinguished bb damaged / destroyed it difficult / rare.

This way I did on dozens sdh bb even more, approximately one / two years ago and till now .. there has been no word from the user complaints on my reply .. that it suspend pin again.

The important thing is to think about it & you should know about Blackberry PIN (Personal Identification Number) which has been described in the pages of this thread.
I can say also the PIN is the same as your ID card, do not ever buy a Blackberry that has blocked position pd PIN (suspend). Maybe at one time you do not have the money to buy a new one, and you buy a second / ex. Be careful ..!, Which hrs always first check the status of the PIN.

There are a few tips to know about Blackberry PIN IMEI:
1. On the Home menu screen, click the OPTIONS / OPTIONS
2. Next Click STATUS
3. This is a shortcut, press the same button, ALT + CAPS + H
4. The display will show HELP ME that meet the Vendor ID, PIN and IMEI

This trick is to know the status of Blackberry lifetime timer:
1. On the menu screen click OPTIONS HOME
2. Then select the type BUYR
3. Next will be displayed DATA & VOICE OF USE. If the value is 0, meaning blackberries are still in new condition / never used. If the value is not 0, it means that blackberries are on the second / ex.

* Sorry if repost ...

Source: Googling

Source: Explanations About Pin Suspend & Tips How To Repair Pin Suspend «Indonesian Blackberry Community # ixzz1LXabpwuv

Digital Photo Recovery

foto digital adalah sesuatu yang penting bagi kita semua. Sebagian besar gambar yang kita ambil terjadi sekali dalam seumur hidup, dan itulah sebabnya mereka begitu sangat penting. Dari langkah pertama anak Anda untuk foto-foto keluarga, foto sangat penting. Sama pentingnya dengan mereka, tidak ada yang lebih buruk daripada kehilangan mereka. Hal ini dapat sangat traumatis dan membuat frustrasi, terutama mengetahui bahwa Anda tidak akan pernah untuk menangkap gambar lagi. 

Bahkan meskipun mungkin muncul bahwa kamera berfungsi, semua harapan tidak sepenuhnya hilang. Ada cara yang Anda dapat memulihkan foto digital Anda, walaupun Anda mungkin tidak menyadarinya. Kebanyakan kamera digital misalnya, menggunakan kartu cerdas yang akan menyimpan informasi. Untuk berada di sisi aman, Anda harus selalu aman foto-foto Anda ke kartu Anda, dan mentransfernya ke komputer Anda kesempatan pertama Anda - kemudian kembali mereka ke CD atau DVD.

Kadang-kadang, ketika Anda memiliki foto Anda di komputer Anda, Anda dapat memindahkannya ke recycle bin dan bahkan tidak menyadarinya. Anda selalu bisa memperbaiki hal ini, dengan mengklik mouse sebelah kanan recycle bin kemudian memilih untuk membukanya. Jika gambar ada di sana, hanya menyeret mereka ke desktop anda atau klik kanan dan pilih memulihkan mereka. Ini akan menempatkan mereka kembali di lokasi mereka sebelum mereka dipindahkan ke recycle bin.

Ada banyak contoh lain di mana foto Anda tidak ini mudah untuk pulih. Jika kartu di kamera Anda telah menjadi rusak atau jika kamera anda telah mengalami masalah hardware, maka tidak akan begitu mudah untuk memulihkan gambar Anda. Jika hal ini terjadi, Anda harus selalu melihat ke arah tukang software atau profesional. Ada perangkat lunak di luar sana yang dirancang untuk jenis sebagian besar masalah kamera digital, dan biasanya dapat sembuh gambar Anda dalam kasus kerusakan.

Kebanyakan layanan dan perangkat lunak dapat memulihkan hampir semua file yang Anda miliki di kamera Anda, dari gambar JPEG ke file video. Kebanyakan orang mentransfer foto mereka ke komputer mereka segera setelah mereka dapat, yang dapat diperoleh kembali menggunakan metode pemulihan data. Di sisi lain, mereka yang tidak, akan membutuhkan seorang profesional untuk melihat kamera. Jika Anda tidak membuang waktu dan mencari seorang profesional segera, gambar Anda biasanya dapat dipulihkan.

Kamera digital adalah sesuatu yang kebanyakan dari kita sendiri hari-hari ini, saat mereka mengambil foto berkualitas profesional. Kapan yang tampaknya Anda telah kehilangan gambar Anda, Anda dapat beralih ke layanan pemulihan perangkat lunak dan profesional untuk mendapatkan gambar Anda kembali. foto digital Anda adalah sangat penting, itulah sebabnya anda akan ingin merawat mereka. Kesalahan dan bencana bisa terjadi meskipun - itulah sebabnya mengapa ada layanan pemulihan.

Data Recovery Procedures

No matter who you are, where you work, or what type of computer you use - your computer data is always as risk.  With viruses, power surges, thunderstorms, natural disasters, human mistakes, and hackers around, the threats are always real.  To be on the safe side, you’ll need to back up your files and keep doing it on a regular basis.  In the event of your hard drive failing, you’ll need data recovery - which is the only option available.

Before you travel down that long road of data recovery, there are some things to keep in mind.  If you are using your computer and a program starts to act funny, you should shut things down immediately.  You may also hear some very odd sounds as well, which is the first sign that your hard driving is working overtime.  If you shut your computer down immediately at this point, you may prevent data loss from happening.  If you don’t shut your computer down and allow the failing hard drive to continue running, it is only a matter of time before it destroys itself - which will ultimately result in the loss of data.

If this happens, and you lose all of your data, you should never try to fix the hard drive yourself unless you know exactly what to do.  At this stage, professional data recovery services aren’t just a luxury - they are something you must have.  The process for data recovery is time consuming, and requires both tools and a clean work environment.  Trying to repair a hard drive on your own is very challenging, and could end up making matters far worse if you don’t know what you are doing.

Even though there are software out there for data recovery, you shouldn’t use them unless you know what you are doing.  With most hard drive problems being very intricate, software can do more harm than good.  Even though companies may claim that their software will fix the problem and, retrieve your data, you should always use caution and simply avoid the use of do it yourself software.

To be on the safe side with your hard drive and retrieve the data that you lost, you should always turn to a local data recovery service.  This way, you’ll know that your hard drive is in good hands and it will be fixed the right way.  Professional services can fix nearly any hard drive problem, and recover any type of data.  In some cases, your hard drive may be beyond repair, even for professional data recovery specialists.  If this happens, you should be prepared to buy a new hard drive - and count your blessings that you thought to back up your data in advance.